School Curriculum Summary
School Vision
At Gladstone we:
Foster nurturing and respectful relationships
Create an inspiring, engaging and inclusive environment
Apply curiosity to build our confidence and independence
Statement of Intent
At Gladstone Primary School, our curriculum is designed to:
Nurture sincere and respectful relationships with children, their families and the wider community;
Promote health & wellbeing in all areas of learning;
Encourage children’s voice and choice in their own learning, empowering all children to be the best they can be;
Inspire, engage and stimulate through rich, authentic learning experiences;
Encourage independence and interdependence, developing cooperation and collaboration;
Build children’s resilience in their learning, by creating a Growth Mindset;
Be inclusive to all children;
Our curriculum supports children in being and becoming:
Healthy, Confident Individuals;
Ethical, Informed Citizens;
Ambitious, Capable Learners;
Enterprising, Creative Contributors
At Gladstone Primary School, we lay the foundations for lifelong learning!
Curriculum Summary
In order to implement the Curriculum of Wales effectively we have engaged with all stakeholders including learners though pupil voice, practitioners through continuous professional development, parents and governors.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced and so suitable for learners of differing ages, abilities and aptitudes. It includes learning opportunities within and across the six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE), with content drawn from the Statement of What Matters.
We have ensured our curriculum aligns to the mandatory requirements of teaching Welsh, English, Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) and the cross curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence. We are developing our Religion, Values and Ethics curriculum following the recent publication of the agreed syllabus.