All admissions to our school must be done through the Admissions Department of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
If you are undecided on the school you wish your child to attend, please feel free to give us a ring and come and have a look around.
Nursery places are part-time, either a morning 9 am - 11.30 am or an afternoon session 12.40 pm - 3.10 pm.
A child may start in the Nursery the term after his or her third birthday.
Academic Year 2024/25
Children Born between these dates below Will Start Nursery
1 September 2020 - 31 August 2021 September 2024
1 September 2021 - 31 December 2021 January 2025
1 January 2022 - 31 March 2022 After Easter 2025
Your child is NOT automatically guaranteed a place in the Reception class of a school where he/she attends Nursery.
The attendance at a Nursery unit attached to a school, will not guarantee admission to Reception classes. Priority will always be given to those children who live within the catchment area of the school.
Children are eligible for a part time Nursery place (five mornings or five afternoons) from the term after their third birthday. Please click here to be directed the to Vale of Glamorgan Council Admissions page.
If your child requires a place in any other year group, please contact Admissions Department, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, Telephone number (01446) 709 844, they will give you the necessary forms to enable you to enrol your child. Please also feel free to contact the school to arrange a visit.