School Uniform
We encourage the wearing of school colours, which are black, white and sky blue. We believe that this promotes a sense of belonging and team spirit. Items such as platform shoes, crop tops, beach wear, jeans and football tops are regarded as inappropriate.
All children wear shorts and a t-shirt for PE. For Games lessons all children wear a tracksuit or sweatshirt and jogging bottoms. Trainers are essential for safety reasons. Long hair should be tied back and children must not wear jewellery. All kit should be clearly labelled with your child's name.
Please ensure that your child’s clothes are clearly labelled with their name. School uniform can be purchased from the school office.
Black Cardigans and Sweatshirts are £12 and Blue or White Polo Shirts are £7
All items are available in sizes - 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12 and aged 13
Book bags are £6